Your CCS Obligation
CCSAustralia is partnering with key providers of child care compliance to deliver a national quality assured compliance program for your service. The partners are working together, in strength, to provide your service delivery for compliance. No matter where you are, or what service type you operate, CCSAustralia is the only united compliance partner which can answer all your questions from a base of expertise. With our united partnership model, Long Day Care, Family Day Care and Outside Schools Hours Care are expertly managed with you and on your behalf.
Our partnership model includes Family Day Care New South Wales, Starcare for Long Day Care and Councils, Kidsoft, Brainchild and HubWorks! Between these organisations, CCSAustralia, uses a single framework for regulatory compliance, so that you can be rest assured you are in good hands.
Furthermore, you do not pay for software. CCSAustralia agrees with the federal government that Jobs For Families is a program, not a piece of software. Your compliance partner is a partner in the Jobs for Families program, which means that you have confidence in your compliance being handled on your behalf.
What you need to know
As we move closer towards the new Job for Families Child Care Package rollout, CCS Australia have commenced development work to ensure our Services will have a smooth and easy transition to the new CCSS.
Over the last couple of months, our Directors have participated in numerous Government forums around the technical design and end user impact of the changes for our customers. Our input to Government has resulted in some modifications to the new rollout that will tailor to our customer’s needs.
CCS Australia has commenced the development work around the Jobs for Families changes based on the technical specifications provided by the Government. It is important to understand that the changes reach far beyond the simple consolidation of CCB and CRR to CCS (Child Care Subsidy). There are changes to how CCMS enrolments work, changes to how you manage personnel authorities and changes to things parents will need to do in authorising bookings to gain subsidies amongst other things.
Rest assures, you are in good hands, as we have everything covered t ensure the transition will be smooth and easy for your Service. We are excited to showcase the new technology to you. We pride ourselves on our customer support so expect to see many tutorials and videos to clearly explain every new feature and to guide you every step of the way.